12 April 2021

Menzies Distribution Solutions wins British safety council award for fifth year in a row

Menzies Distribution Solutions (MDS – formerly Bibby Distribution Limited or BDL), has been recognised for its safe working environment with a fifth consecutive win at the British Safety Council (BSC) Awards.


The International Safety Award, assessed by independent adjudicators, “demonstrates and rewards the organisation’s commitment to health, safety and wellbeing during 2020, the most challenging year in recent times,” said BSC chief executive Mike Robinson.


BDL had won BSC Merit Awards in each of the previous four years. The business invested more than £1m in safety equipment and training in the five years to 2020, when it was acquired by the Menzies Distribution Group. It had also introduced three internal campaigns: Key Behaviours, aimed at increasing safety reporting while reducing trips and slips; Get Out And Look (GOAL) supporting drivers to reduce the risk of road collisions; and Come Home Safe, a cultural campaign encouraging a proactive approach to safety through highlighting the importance of families, pets and outside work interests and everyone’s responsibility to help each other.


During the lockdown periods the company worked hard to maintain colleagues’ involvement and competence by delivering BSC training, operational training courses in-house and a number of essential courses covering First Aid, Fire Marshall training and Dangerous Goods awareness.


Effectiveness was measured by a survey in November 2020 showing a 76% approval rating for the work-from-home programme, new assessments and the overall approach of the business to working during the pandemic and supporting the mental and physical wellbeing of colleagues. In addition, responses to the survey increased significantly from 43% to 62%.


Richard Morson, CEO at MDS, said:


“We are proud to have been honoured by the BSC for five years in a row. We are always looking ahead to see how we can do even better – we owe it to our people because they are the company’s greatest resource and deserve to be protected. Our unwavering commitment to safety continues with our new name.”

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